Compute Resources and Tutorials
ECEN Compute Cluster
- ECEN offers academic cluster for students ECEN Cluster
- Following are the steps to run experiments in the cluster.
- SSH using vscode
- Request resource, and choose right partition and qos
- Import your files, and create a python env and kick start experiments
- Following commands help
# ssh to the ecen cluster
ssh -Y <netid>
# request resource
srun -p <choose partition> --cpus-per-task=8 --gres=gpu:tesla:1 -J gpu-job1 --cpus-per-task=8 -q <choose qos> --pty --x11=first bash
# pick right partition frob the table below
QoS Name | Hardware Limits | Default Time Limits | Hard Time Limit | Partition |
olympus-academic | 6 cpu cores | 12 hours | 12 hours | academic |
olympus-cpu-research | 144 cpu cores | 48 hours | 7 days | cpu-research |
olympus-ugrad-gpu | 8 cpu, 1gpu | 36 hours | 36 hours | gpu-research |
olympus-research-gpu-sh | 16 cpu, 2gpu | 12 hours | 12 hours | gpu-research |
olympus-research-gpu | 32 cpu, 4gpu | 4 days | 4 days | gpu-research |
olympus-research-gpu2 | 160 cpu, 20 gpu | 7 days | 14 days | gpu-research |
- High Performance Research Computing at TAMU, request access. Use ECEN 740 course number to get approval
Public Cloud
Usual TAMU OAL Labs student accounts. Access
Python Tutorials
- Python Tutorial Basics of Python
- Python Tutorial PyTorch and TensorFlow